Do you Need to Clean Up your Act?
Given the physical closeness in Tango, good hygiene is essential and, for the vast majority of dancers, it is not an issue. However, probably all of us have had the occasional dance where we have become aware of our partner’s presence in a less than Tango way!
This is a sensitive and potentially embarrassing area to cover, but if there was a problem, we would like to think most of us would prefer to be the first to know, rather than the last. So we offer these words, just in case there could be something here of value for you. Or maybe teachers could print it off as one of the hand out guides for new or recent new starters. (Please acknowledge my website and source if you plan to do this).
One cause of body odour for everyone that is sometimes overlooked, is stress and/or fear. Especially so if you’re new to Tango, dancing with someone unfamiliar, or maybe for the first time dancing in a close embrace. You may also be surprised how much hard work and concentration Tango requires. When dancing in close proximity, this all adds up and can leave you with an issue that doesn’t occur in other aspects of your life.
So here are our Top Tips:
- Shower / wash before going dancing whenever possible
- If you’re coming straight from work, bring a fresh shirt or top
- Use, or re-apply, an effective anti-perspirant
- Brush your teeth
- Use aftershave and perfume sparingly: they can be quite overpowering, or worse using it liberally trying to mask other odours. It’s important to know others could be allergic to strong perfumes, plus leaving your perfume on your partners clothes will become stale
- Use breath fresheners. Many venues provide mints on the welcome table.
- Think carefully about eating strong foods before dancing, like garlic, onions, curry, fish & chips as they linger on the breath, skin and clothes.
- Smokers – in our experience the vast majority of your partners will not share your habit. The tobacco smoke penetrates your clothes, hair and your skin and the smell doesn’t go away with a mint.
- If you perspire, use a towel often
Gentlemen – bring an extra shirt/s to change into during a long event of dancing
Ladies – many ladies use a pretty ‘fan’ to help cooling down. With sleeveless outfits you don’t want to leave white deodorant marks on his clothes.