About Jennifer

I found TANGO by accident in my 50’s.
A while later a chance opportunity came to teach Tango, where I met Peter – the rest as they say, is history. Through Peter I found renewed enthusiasm and discovered we could both have a profound influence how this dance can be learned – and taught.

From 2005 I taught at Thames Valley Tango where along with Peter (who became my husband) we helped Charles Long set up his new tango community over an 18 month period.  With Peter we ran the monthly milongas where he was also the resident DJ.  In 2007  Peter and I began our own community, Tango South, where we ran this full time for many years.

From the outset we taught Tango in the traditional improvised Salon style – extremely rare at that time.  When we finally retired, we were teaching upwards of 120 dancers a week over a range of classes, alongside Guided Practicas, Milongas, Workshops & special Balls.

During 2009 we spent three weeks in Buenos Aires and then in 2019 two months in the South of France training intensively with fabulous tango teachers, which we are truly internally grateful. We gained new insights which completely revolutionised our approach to our own dance and teaching which we share with all dancers.  A lot cheaper than having to go to Buenos Aires to discover it for themselves!

I now have even greater empathy with students of all ages, helping them to create their own dance and protect it.  It’s never too late to start.

My specialised skill as a coach is in fine observation of the body and technical movement in the dance, both for Followers and Leaders. Problems can only be corrected by finding the cause, not just trying to resolve an isolated symptom.  This natural ability for me has become my trademark when coaching, often to the surprise and delight of the dancers.

I have adopted this same approach to the challenges of leading and very comfortable dancing and teaching in the leader’s role.


Therapeutic Coaching
I worked for over 20 years in many holistic and therapeutic roles coaching adults, prior to discovering tango.

I trained in modelling during my 20s.  Then further developed this by becoming a beauty therapist.  Added to that colour, image and style, for both ladies and men, successfully helping to empower themselves, and with an image they were happier with.

Further trained in Reiki to becoming a Master Reiki healer.  I worked with many clients in both hands-on and distant healing, with astounding results.

Using Reiki with horses who were difficult or in stressful situations was truely a remarkable experience, especially with the joy of seeing them fully recovered, and their owners so very happy.

Over the years I continued working with clients using Graphology and Tarot.

With all these skills I had been involved in, they culminated into an intuitive understanding of the emotional and psychological aspects of Tango, helping me to understand people’s differing needs and reactions to learning.

Rescue & Recycling Furniture
Long before there was internet and access to Ebay, Vinted and easy to acquire second hand furniture, I furnished my first home going to auctions, bargain basement newspaper ads and shop windows for sale items.

With little money I picked up how-to-do-it, just by doing it. These were days before U-tube with their vast array of information. But, so very glad of them now, it certainly makes life a lot easier.

Apart from doing a couple of short courses, one for re-covering a stool and an introduction to French Polishing, I’ve learned everything just by doing firstly my own furniture, then for family and more recently for friends and others.

If you have something that you would like to update, re-vamp so it suits your currently lifestyle, contact me

Nomadic Lifestyle
With my husband Peter we decided to go on a couple of life adventures. We travelled for over two years in a caravan, before deciding to have a narrowboat built where we cruised permanently for over 5 years. I continued to do my furniture, even creating my own little workroom on the rear deck.  We were invited as guest teachers to do the occasional Tango class / workshop as we travelled around the country.


After ceasing our nomadic way of life, we both decided we wanted more space to do our own hobbies. We opted for a shore-house in Gloucester, which we both love and enjoy.

A few years ago, more from necessity, I began designing easy user-friendly websites. These helped a number of clients being able to access and regularly update their own websites, saving them on additional on-going and unnecessary fees.

Medical History

A life time sufferer of Broncial Asthma
2017/2018 – I had two total replacement hips, recovered from a pulmonary embolism after the second hip surgery.
The hip replacements has had a transformation in my dance, and enabled me to not only to enjoy social dancing more but to have a profound effect on my teaching.
2024 – waiting for my first knee replacement.